Thursday, November 13, 2008

Six quirks

My mother challenged me to write about my six quirks. I like being the guy who silently laughs when something funny is said, and others have a cranial rectal inversion. I don't really like turning the finger and examining myself. Funny thing is I often do. I am my own critic. So here goes. I will try to be as brutally honest as I can, and try not to rant!

Quirk #6- I hate sanctioned incompetence! Ok...This is probably a little to serious and ranty like. But I was always taught that if you work hard and are dedicated to your job that good things will happen to you. What I should have been taught was..."Hey, work hard millions on welfare are depending on you!". Or..."Work hard, your co-workers need a 30 minute smoke break and then want to come in an complain about how they never have enough time in the day to get their work done." Ok it is a little ranty. But it is a quirk. Heaven help me when I start supervising staff come January 1st.

Quirk #5 - I think what is called "country music" is a crock! The bottom line is this crap is pop music. It is designed by lawyers and corperations to make money. Although Garth Brooks first album was awesome I personally feel that he ruined country music for me. Then to sound like he is more "country" he mentions Chris Ledoux in one of his songs. Then that makes him bona fided country. But what do I know. I was sporting a mullet back then.

Quirk # 4 - I rant. I just do it personally, and internally. Sometimes it is out loud and often to the wrong people. But I rant. I admit it.

Quirk #3 - I like music. I am an avid collector of rare songs and sometimes instruments (thanks for the banjo mom and dad!). I think I always have music on somewhere. If I am in a situation where I can not have music on I have a constant song going in my head. Most often it is an annoying song and I want it to leave, but it is a song just the same. I call it the sound track of my life.

Quirk #2 - Really my only true friends are my siblings and my wife. Although I like to think of myself as a social person I don't have buddies that I hang around with and call on the phone. Some may find this odd, but I am OK with it. I am a father and a husband. I don't have time for hommies. This annoys my wife sometimes. She always tells me to go out a do something with my friends. But, I would rather do stuff with her. She is a riot. If you have ever met her you'd swear she would change your life.

Quirk #1 - Because I work in a prison and have in my own right become institutionalized I have a lot of annoying habits. For instance, I count everything. When we go to Wal-Mart my wife would ask me how many people are in the store. With in twenty minutes I would have a some what accurate count. On any given day we have exactly twelve forks, ten table knives, and ten spoons in our drawer. Another annoying habit is I always know where the exits are. When I am in public I am always thinking about "what-if" scenarios. What if a gun man comes in here and starts shooting? OK Joe you are going to make sure your family has exited the door on the right and are safely in the car. Then you are going to go back in the store and make sure everybody else is safe. Another annoying quirk...I hate to have my back to large groups of people, doors, or windows when I am in public.
Call it OCD, call it weird. I seem so normal. But over the years I have learned to control it when I am around my family and friends. I think it is because I know that I am in a safe zone.

OK...Quirk #1 - I'm a quirky dude! Aren't we all. That make us individuals. If we were all the same a lot of us would be unnecessary.


castlemom13 said...

Actually Joe I don't think it is OCD, I think it is DOC. I know a couple of other people with the same quirks as #1. Love Ya!

Anonymous said...

Joe, you are just as quirky as the rest of us! Hooray! BTW-I count things too. Wierd, It must come from the Gunter side of the family.